Thursday, October 25, 2012

Updated Interview 2 Questions!

  1. Why was House of Ruth started?
  2. When?
  3. What colleges did you go to? Majors?
  4. What is your position at House of Ruth?
  5. What other organizations are you involved with?
  6. What have you done since you began working here to improve House of Ruth?
  7. Do you have a greatest accomplishment here? Or something that you are most proud of that you have done or worked on?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rough Draft of Presentation 1

10 Minute Presentation

Prepared By:

Taryn Cronkite



Working EQ:

How best can abuse be prevented in an intimate partner relationship?

Objectives:  At the end of the presentation I would like for everyone to have learned what abuse is and also the different types of abuse that there is.




For my intro I will introduce myself and my senior project topic. I will tell the audience that they will be learning about the different types of abuse in a relationship, who it can happen too and what abuse really is.
30 sec-1 min

 Important Source

1: Mentor or book?


(Steps to check for student understanding)

      Beginning of Presentation: What do you think abuse is? Who can it happen too?
      End: What is one type or example of abuse?

 30 sec-1 min


(Give and/or demonstrate necessary information)

Break down what you plan on talking about into manageable sections.

    Literal: I will explain the three different types of abuse, what their signs are and what abuse can be defined as.
    Interpretive: I will probably either that about my mentor and how she has given me a lot of info or a book that I have read about abusive relationships.
    Applied: Explaining what abuse is will help with the foundation of my EQ because by informing people on abuse they will be able to realize if it is happening to them or ways to prevent it from happening.

    Literal: 4-5 min
    Interp: 1 min
    Applied: 1:30 min

 There will be some sort of visual with my working EQ on it.


(Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)
No Activity for this Presentation


x min

Materials (for activity)



When I am concluding I will give a quick summary of everything that was taught then finally ask one of the audience a question to check for understanding.
1:30 min

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval (See Updated Version)

1.       Write a description of what you plan on doing for you independent study component.
I am going to continue my service learning and do an extra 30 hours for just the independent component. I would really like to see if there is anything else I could possibly do besides this but I still need to meet with my mentor to see if she has any ideas and if I do find something else I will update my blog.

2.       Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
Well since I am just continuing my service learning, I will be doing the same thing I do now. Making copies, filing, being involved in events and fundraisers put together by House of Ruth  and helping my mentor with anything else she needs. I will meet the 30 hours by going to her office more times in a week and staying for longer so I can get the component finished.

3.       How does your independent study component relate to your working eq?
My mentor always gives me plenty of information and answers any questions I have about my senior topic so since I will be working with her a lot for these hours she can help me with answering my eq and giving me a foundation.