Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Senior Project Reflection

 1.     Positive Statement: I am most proud of turning everything in on time and time managing really well between core, work, and senior project. I did not turn in anything that received below an AP and I only got that on a few assignments, the rest were P’s and higher. I was really interested in my topic so getting my work done was easy because I liked researching new things about it. I am also really proud of my 2 hour because it was what I have been dreading all four years at iPoly and what I was working up too this entire year. I made time and talked about a lot of informative content. Another thing would be setting up the Teen Dating 101 assembly at iPoly for the freshman and sophomores because it took a lot of work to find the right date and get approval but the office and also teachers. It was also scary because it was such a large presentation and I had not really rehearsed it but it turned out really well and I received a lot of compliments.
2.     What assessment would you give yourself on your 2 hour presentation?

What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project?
3.     What worked for you in your senior project?
I think my 2 hour really worked for me. In the 10 minute presentation I didn’t make time so that was I the back of my mind before starting to speak for my 2 hour but everything ended up flowing really nicely. My powerpoint was well organized and the activities correlated to each answer. I made 30 minutes speaking time and met the 1 hour minimum presentation requirement. I am really proud of myself for completing this and my entire senior project without any major issues. Also my exit interview. I received an AE on it despite the fact that I was beyond nervous. I had really done and researched on my whole project so I knew all of the answers to my questions but for some reason it made me really scared. I ended up getting a way better grade than expected so I’m proud of myself for this as well!

4.     What didn’t work?
If I could go back I would fix my 10 minute presentation because I didn’t make time and had to represent. I was just really nervous and I was the first one to go so that made it worse. I am much more prepared now.
I would also redo my I-Search. A lot of other stuff for senior project was going on and it was close to the last week of core so trying to get everything together distracted me from doing my best on my I-Search. Ortega did give us plenty of time to work on it but when it came time to revise my drafts I didn’t do my best. I would have also liked to have more people read it before I turned it in.

5.     My senior project has been helpful to my future endeavors by leading my to my career choice and getting my foot in the door. I want to major in psychology and work with victims of abuse in a place like house of shelter. Once I get my BA in psychology I will be able to case manage, which is one thing they do at House of Ruth that I can start volunteering at once I take my class. Like I stated earlier only a few volunteers get selected for this position but Marina said it would be fairly easy for my because I am so well known at House of Ruth and around the community because I have helped with so many events and have made many connections.It has also helped me mature and become more responsible. Usually at iPoly the whole group is responsible for a project but this one is all you. I had to make sure everything was done correctly, and turned in on time. I couldn’t rely on any one else. If I needed help I had to go on the class page on Facebook or the class blog and look for an answer.
I am really proud of all my work, especially the fact that I am now super    involved in the community and will continue volunteering at House of Ruth and hopefully stay there long enough to  get a position to work there

Clothesline Project

House of Ruth did a really amazing project with victims who are getting help through the shelter and their kids. They gave them all t-shirts and had them tell their story or draw something that represents their survival. These  shirts are really heart-breaking and send a powerful message :

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Prevention Assembly

February is Teen Dating Violence Prevention month. As a prevention coordinator my mentor Marina goes to schools and gives presentations on bullying, and teen dating. I thought it was be cool to bring her to iPoly in Februry to talk about dating violence since its the awareness month. I had to talk to the assistant principal to get approval of the presentation and to set up a date. I presented to freshman/sophomores so those teachers had to approve as well. Once everything was set in stone, I was co-presenting with my mentor Feb 22 in front of half of iPoly. It was a really big crowd but it went well. This is one thing I am very proud of doing. It was kind of a lot of work to get everything situated but it was all worth it.

This is me speaking at the assembly!

Full Frontal Feminisim

Right now I am reading this AMAZING book called full frontal feminism. It is all about the feminist movement and how much sexism there is in our society. The author brings up so many great points about double standards and why women feel obligated to always be sexy, smart, wear make up and clean the house. I can ot express enough how much this book has changed my life. It makes me want to go around protesting about all of the things wrong with the world and its views. She gives SO much information and she is super sarcastic and funny the entire book! I love this book and think every girl should be required to read it.

 Here is a link to the authors blog!

40 Hour Training

Since I will be turning 18 June 6th, and the next 40 hour volunteer training is in July, Marina gave me the application to fill out so I can finally take the class!! I m so excited because after taking the class I will have so many opportunities to do so many different things within House of Ruth! I can work in hotline, shelter, prevention (which is where Marina wants me), TRO clinic which is Temporary Restraining Orders and Case Management! Which is what I really want to do because that is what I want to do for my career and it seems so interesting! They listen to the stories of the victims and set them on their path for a new life. They look through their files and get the started with all of their necessities and anything else the case manager feels is necessary for them to have like self-care classes or workshops on how to get a job. I was talking to Marina about it and she says staff is the strictest on case manager volunteers because they actually get their own clients. And eventually can make their way up to a career because it is a paid position if you’re good at it. She also said they usually give these volunteer case managing positions to interns but if there is a good, reliable volunteer who is recognized by staff then they have a good chance of getting the gig. Marina said it probably wouldn’t be hard for me to get into there because everyone knows me around the outreach center! I can’t wait to take the class, I will then be certified as Recognized Volunteer. 

Some of the Stuff I Did at Mentorship

Because I am not 18, I couldn’t take the 40 hour training class that allows me to come into contact with the clients of House of Ruth. But what I did get to do, was a whole bunch of other stuff. Like I have been posting I was able to go to tons of events (not community fairs though) where I helped fundraise and raise awareness. I also did behind the scenes work. I literally printed thousands and thousands of packets to hand out at the community fairs that were almost every week. I also would help set up for events/fundraisers, I would prepare food if there was going to be a dinner held. I glued on phrases to candy pieces to give to kids about bullying and violence. I also would research information for some of the projects Marina would do with other high schools. For example, at Montclair high school a group of teen girls made PSA about different topic such as bullying teen pregnancy and domestic violence. I did not help them with the videos but I did search online for days looking for film festivals and competitions they could submit their videos too. I had to look for entry fees, deadlines and requirements and make them into a chart.
            Some of this stuff did get tedious and boring (making copies) but in the end I know all my hard work pays off for the greater good!

Movable Feast

During the holidays House of Ruth held another fundraiser called Movable Feast. A bunch of rich people would move from a bunch of huge rich houses to the next one and eat part of their meal. The first house (the house I was waitressing at) was owned by the President of Pitzer College. It was a really huge old fashioned house right in the middle of the 5 Claremont colleges. I was in the kitchen working with the catering service to prepare food and then I would take it out on trays and serve it to the rich people who were talking about business and buying art. I also walked around taking picture of the event and the skit that was performed.
            I was actually really intimidated to be a part of this event because my mentor was not going to be there and I knew no one, plus it was all adults and older people. But I did end up making new friends and got to try (and take home) a bunch of delicious food!