Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLR's

1. The ESLR I have excelled at the most would be the  Effective Learner. 
2. I believe I have excelled at this ESLR because I take it upon myself to learn more about my senior project and try to go more in depth with it. I take interest in new research and go above and beyond to try and find explanations or answers to my questions. I am always working with my mentor and trying to find ways to educate people on Domestic Violence or get better understanding of my answers. I even try to think of new ways to promote or help people, like with the presentation on Teen Dating Violence I co-presented with my mentor, or the idea of me maybe setting up a blog or place at school where I can answer questions of people having issues. 

This is a picture of me presenting to the freshman and sophomore class on Teen Dating Violence Awareness. I thought of this idea to present, with my mentor, to show a better understanding of my senior topic.