Thursday, January 31, 2013

Independent Component 1

Literal :
a.) “I,Taryn Cronkite, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
b.) This was an 11 Lesson classes with different lessons regarding Domestic Abuse.
d.) I completed more than 30 hours of this online class. There were 11 Lessons and after each lesson, it was required of me to write an essay on whatever prompt was given to me discussing that topic, and an exam after each lesson with the essay before I was able to move onto the next lesson. At the end of all the lessons, I was given a final exam with questions from each lesson. 

I met the 30 hour requirement because each lesson was pretty long. I had to read that and them study before each exam. The exams took a while to complete because there were a number of questions and each essay I wrote had usually about three questions I had to answer. I had to give information I learned in the lesson and also personal opinions.

  This is what my report card for class looked like. If I click the "plus" signs it would break down my grade into what I received on the essay and the final quiz. My total grade was a 95.3% although I am still waiting for one last thing to be graded, which is I think my Lesson 11 essay.

This is what an assignment for an essay would look like. After each lesson I would get a prompt and have to type it out and submit it.
  I also tried to get a picture of one of the quizzes but because I have already completed them, it wouldn't let me go back.

This helped with the foundation of my topic because all of the lessons were really all on foundation of domestic violence, like what it is, how to stop it and what can be done to help survivors of abuse. The last couple lesson I started to read about helped me because now I sort of know what to look for in a second answer. Because my EQ has to do with reducing the risk of being abused, I am always trying to look for answers with whatever piece of research I come across. But in Lesson 10 it talked a lot about counseling and how that can help as a prevention strategy but I strongly disagree with that. That did bring up good ideas for me, like what I can look into now instead of prevention after the fact of abuse already occurring. In Lesson 11 I really liked their idea of starting the prevention with the kids and teaching them how violence is NEVER okay. Those helped me a lot for figuring out more answers but the beginning chapters, explaining what abuse is, what signs are,who gets abuse, and legal issues are all  pieces of foundation and helped me get a better understanding of the issue in better detail. Especially legal issues of domestic violence because there are laws in place that I did not know about and I can research more on.

Updated Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
I will be taking an online class called Domestic Violence 101. This will help me build a foundation for my project and get a better understanding of different topics the lessons in the class will be going over.

2. Describe in detail, how you think your plan will meet the 30 hour work requirement.
Taking this class will meet the 30 hours requirement because I will have to read and study each lesson. After a lesson, I will have to write an essay and take an exam, then a final exam which I will have to study the lessons again for.

3. How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?
Taking this class will help me get answers for my EQ because it covers different lessons and within each lesson it talks about warning signs, prevention strategies or how to ultimately get out of or stay in an abusive relationship. Learning about these things will help me get more information and give me good examples.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

1. What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2. How can domestic abuse be prevented?
3. How can you establish healthy boundaries in a relationship?
4. What does a healthy relationship look like compared to an abusive one?
5. What are some warning signs of an abusive relationship that are not obvious?
6. Does insecurity of the abuser and/or partner play a large role within an unhealthy relationship?
7. If you have been dating someone and after a few months confessed they had been abusive in a previous relationship but have gotten help, what are tips to maintain a good, abuse free relationship with that person?
8. What warning signs are most important too look out for?
9. How many signs should be noticed before getting out of a relationship with someone?
10. How often do people with extremely controlling attitudes change their ways in the early stages of a relationship if confronted about it?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 11:Mentorship 10 Hours Check

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
House of Ruth

2. Who is your contact?
Marina Wood

3. How many totals hours have you done?
32 hours and 45 minutes.

4. All of my hours done have either been me working on training manuals (which I do A LOT, but they are almost finished!) helping out at certain fundraisers and events ( I am not allowed to go to most of them because I am not 18 yet) and making copies of different informative papers.