Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

1. What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2. How can domestic abuse be prevented?
3. How can you establish healthy boundaries in a relationship?
4. What does a healthy relationship look like compared to an abusive one?
5. What are some warning signs of an abusive relationship that are not obvious?
6. Does insecurity of the abuser and/or partner play a large role within an unhealthy relationship?
7. If you have been dating someone and after a few months confessed they had been abusive in a previous relationship but have gotten help, what are tips to maintain a good, abuse free relationship with that person?
8. What warning signs are most important too look out for?
9. How many signs should be noticed before getting out of a relationship with someone?
10. How often do people with extremely controlling attitudes change their ways in the early stages of a relationship if confronted about it?

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