Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2. How does communication play a role in an unhealthy, abusive relationship?
3. Why don't victims say "no" or stick up for themselves in the beginning stages of abuse?
4. If my first answer to my EQ was 'knowing warning signs' and my potential second answer is 'communication' what would another risk reducing factor be?
5. How can the cycle of violence be broken before entering a relationship?
6. In what ways can a victim or potential victim help their partner with getting help before abuse starts?
7. What is the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship?
8. What is one thing a healthy relationship has that an abusive one doesn't?
9. Besides any sort of abuse, what is one thing an unhealthy relationship has that a healthy one doesn't have?
10. What are the dangers of confronting your partner about their abusive behavior?
11. How can we make people realize how big of an issue domestic violence is within our communities?
12. How can we get girls/ (guys) to understand this is not okay?
13. How does someones insecurity affect the chance of them being abused?
14. How can self esteem in victims be raised?
15. How can talking about past relationships with your new partner help to try and prevent past issues?
16. If someone told their new partner they used to be abusive but have received help, should the partner stay and give them a chance or leave right away?
17. What are some healthy boundaries a couple could set when getting into a relationship?
18. If you do stay with someone who used to be an abuser but has gotten help, what is a sign that they are going back to their old ways?
19. What are some mental emotions you see with victims in abusive relationships?
20. Why is domestic violence so underrated?

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