a.) I, Taryn Cronkite, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b.) http://healthyrelations.onlineclasses.com This is the website that I used to take my online class which was : Healthy Relationships 101. The reason I chose to take this class was because my second and third answers are based upon what is needed to maintain a healthy relationship and prevent yourself from abuse so this was perfect and gave me alot of good information that I can use in my 2 hour and to help me expand my research.
c.) 30 hour log
d.) I completed a 12 Lesson online course on Healthy Relationships. With each lesson I was asked to read the lesson, take a look at the links at the bottom of each lesson, write an essay, usually answering about 5 questions in detail about what I had just read and then take a test after each lesson.
Each lesson was fairly long, so that took me a while to read. Then I would write an assignment, which looked like this.
Then I would take a test after I read and finsihed my assignment. I can not provide a picture for the tests because I have already taken them, but they would be true/false questions that had to do with the lesson. Sometimes they would twist the words around so it was hard to understand what it was asking.
This is what my report card looks like. It tells me the Lesson title, and gives me the points I recieved.
And finally, the grade I recieved in my course!! Well I am still waiting for a few more assignment to be graded, but this is the grade I currently have. Once all my assignment are graded I will post the final grade!
I am actually really glad I took this class. It really helped me with my second and third answer which are Setting Healthy Boundaries and Good Communication. In one of the lessons it talked about how we have a belieef system, which we discover at a young age and it is basically our views based upon what we have grown up with. It talked about how some men feel superior to women because their father believed that, or how some women have a habit of dating men who are disrespectful to them because the girls have low self esteem. Another lesson talked about a communication theory called transactional analysis , this was very interesting and I would like to research more on it because it is definately something I can use to help support my third answer in my 2 hour.
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