Tuesday, May 28, 2013

40 Hour Training

Since I will be turning 18 June 6th, and the next 40 hour volunteer training is in July, Marina gave me the application to fill out so I can finally take the class!! I m so excited because after taking the class I will have so many opportunities to do so many different things within House of Ruth! I can work in hotline, shelter, prevention (which is where Marina wants me), TRO clinic which is Temporary Restraining Orders and Case Management! Which is what I really want to do because that is what I want to do for my career and it seems so interesting! They listen to the stories of the victims and set them on their path for a new life. They look through their files and get the started with all of their necessities and anything else the case manager feels is necessary for them to have like self-care classes or workshops on how to get a job. I was talking to Marina about it and she says staff is the strictest on case manager volunteers because they actually get their own clients. And eventually can make their way up to a career because it is a paid position if you’re good at it. She also said they usually give these volunteer case managing positions to interns but if there is a good, reliable volunteer who is recognized by staff then they have a good chance of getting the gig. Marina said it probably wouldn’t be hard for me to get into there because everyone knows me around the outreach center! I can’t wait to take the class, I will then be certified as Recognized Volunteer. 

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