Monday, May 13, 2013

Exit Interview Questions

1. My Essential Question is: What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship? Knowing the Warning Signs of an abusive relationship is my best answer. Having good communication and setting healthy boundaries are also essential in reducing your risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship but they are more like ways to stop the warning signs before they start. If you know the signs then you know exactly what to expect from someone who may be abusive and what traits to look out for.Setting healthy boundaries and having good communication will help you prevent the abusive signs, but to really reduce your risk, knowing the signs would be the best tool, because as soon as you start to see something that doesn't look right, you can leave the relationship before an further damage is caused.

2. To arrive at these answers I went through a lot of searching. In the beginning I was trying to find ways to prevent abuse, that was really hard because the research was just stuff I could do through the community, not actual possible answers. Then one day my mentor, Marina told me that abuse can not really be prevented, because we can't ever stop it completely, but you can reduce the risk for yourself. So I began looking at the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. I noticed that healthy relationships had resepect and equal partnerships. To get those things, you have to have good communication. And to maintain them, yu can set boundaries so you both know what is and is not acceptable. How I can to my best answer was basically through all of my research. While researching just the foundation of domestic violence I noticed that they all talked about one person having power and control and the abuser is controlling. I began researchig more into that and found all of the warning signs. And lastly, in my fourth interview, where I interviewed a former abuse victim, I felt as if all of my answers were confirmed.

3. I think the biggest problem that I faced was not being 18 and volunteering at House of Ruth. When you are 18+ you can take a 40 hour training class and becone certified as a volunteer and work in the shelter, case managing, prevention, hotline, TRO clinics other areas of the organization. Being able to do that would have really helped me understand emotionally what a victim has to go through and I could have gotten more imput first hand instead of believing what a researcher has written down. Although I could not train  was able to work with Marina in her office. I put together the training manuals so I basically saw and read over most of what is taught. She also answered any questions I had, and I was able to speak to other case managers and staff at House of Ruth and get their opinions on things.
Another problem I faced was gathering data for my science project. At first I called almost every Batterers Treatment Program in the Los Angeles County. I had no luck with that, I only got a FEW general percentages and it took up a lot of my time. When I showed Pittman what I had (2-3 days before the data was due) she said it needed to be waaay more specific and I had to find an expeirment that was already done online. So I searched online and finally found one that was perfect. It had all of the questions I needed answers with sample sizes and exact percentages. I ended up getting a P on that component so everything worked out well.

4. My two most important sources would have to be my fourth interview because I got to hear what it is really like to be in an abusive situation from an actual victim. My answers were also verfieid through that interview. My second most important source was my independent component 2. It was online class on healthy relationships. It also confirmed 2 of my answers (good communication and setting healthy boundaries) and gave me new information that I can use in my 2 hour to use as evidence on why I chose those answers.

5. My product would be being more invovled in the community, while being well educated on domestic violence. I am a weekly volunteer at the House of Ruth and because of this I am able to be involved in community events and I have made relationships with staff and other volunteers so I am well connected to different areas and events to raise awareness of domestice violence. Next month I will also be able to take my 40 hour training class, so I will be certified! Being educated is very essential personally so I can now tell the difference between an healthy vs. abusive relationship. I can also educate others and possibly even help a victim build up enough courage and strength to leave her relationship and get help with House of Ruth services.

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