Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Senior Project Reflection

 1.     Positive Statement: I am most proud of turning everything in on time and time managing really well between core, work, and senior project. I did not turn in anything that received below an AP and I only got that on a few assignments, the rest were P’s and higher. I was really interested in my topic so getting my work done was easy because I liked researching new things about it. I am also really proud of my 2 hour because it was what I have been dreading all four years at iPoly and what I was working up too this entire year. I made time and talked about a lot of informative content. Another thing would be setting up the Teen Dating 101 assembly at iPoly for the freshman and sophomores because it took a lot of work to find the right date and get approval but the office and also teachers. It was also scary because it was such a large presentation and I had not really rehearsed it but it turned out really well and I received a lot of compliments.
2.     What assessment would you give yourself on your 2 hour presentation?

What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project?
3.     What worked for you in your senior project?
I think my 2 hour really worked for me. In the 10 minute presentation I didn’t make time so that was I the back of my mind before starting to speak for my 2 hour but everything ended up flowing really nicely. My powerpoint was well organized and the activities correlated to each answer. I made 30 minutes speaking time and met the 1 hour minimum presentation requirement. I am really proud of myself for completing this and my entire senior project without any major issues. Also my exit interview. I received an AE on it despite the fact that I was beyond nervous. I had really done and researched on my whole project so I knew all of the answers to my questions but for some reason it made me really scared. I ended up getting a way better grade than expected so I’m proud of myself for this as well!

4.     What didn’t work?
If I could go back I would fix my 10 minute presentation because I didn’t make time and had to represent. I was just really nervous and I was the first one to go so that made it worse. I am much more prepared now.
I would also redo my I-Search. A lot of other stuff for senior project was going on and it was close to the last week of core so trying to get everything together distracted me from doing my best on my I-Search. Ortega did give us plenty of time to work on it but when it came time to revise my drafts I didn’t do my best. I would have also liked to have more people read it before I turned it in.

5.     My senior project has been helpful to my future endeavors by leading my to my career choice and getting my foot in the door. I want to major in psychology and work with victims of abuse in a place like house of shelter. Once I get my BA in psychology I will be able to case manage, which is one thing they do at House of Ruth that I can start volunteering at once I take my class. Like I stated earlier only a few volunteers get selected for this position but Marina said it would be fairly easy for my because I am so well known at House of Ruth and around the community because I have helped with so many events and have made many connections.It has also helped me mature and become more responsible. Usually at iPoly the whole group is responsible for a project but this one is all you. I had to make sure everything was done correctly, and turned in on time. I couldn’t rely on any one else. If I needed help I had to go on the class page on Facebook or the class blog and look for an answer.
I am really proud of all my work, especially the fact that I am now super    involved in the community and will continue volunteering at House of Ruth and hopefully stay there long enough to  get a position to work there

Clothesline Project

House of Ruth did a really amazing project with victims who are getting help through the shelter and their kids. They gave them all t-shirts and had them tell their story or draw something that represents their survival. These  shirts are really heart-breaking and send a powerful message :

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Prevention Assembly

February is Teen Dating Violence Prevention month. As a prevention coordinator my mentor Marina goes to schools and gives presentations on bullying, and teen dating. I thought it was be cool to bring her to iPoly in Februry to talk about dating violence since its the awareness month. I had to talk to the assistant principal to get approval of the presentation and to set up a date. I presented to freshman/sophomores so those teachers had to approve as well. Once everything was set in stone, I was co-presenting with my mentor Feb 22 in front of half of iPoly. It was a really big crowd but it went well. This is one thing I am very proud of doing. It was kind of a lot of work to get everything situated but it was all worth it.

This is me speaking at the assembly!

Full Frontal Feminisim

Right now I am reading this AMAZING book called full frontal feminism. It is all about the feminist movement and how much sexism there is in our society. The author brings up so many great points about double standards and why women feel obligated to always be sexy, smart, wear make up and clean the house. I can ot express enough how much this book has changed my life. It makes me want to go around protesting about all of the things wrong with the world and its views. She gives SO much information and she is super sarcastic and funny the entire book! I love this book and think every girl should be required to read it.

 Here is a link to the authors blog!

40 Hour Training

Since I will be turning 18 June 6th, and the next 40 hour volunteer training is in July, Marina gave me the application to fill out so I can finally take the class!! I m so excited because after taking the class I will have so many opportunities to do so many different things within House of Ruth! I can work in hotline, shelter, prevention (which is where Marina wants me), TRO clinic which is Temporary Restraining Orders and Case Management! Which is what I really want to do because that is what I want to do for my career and it seems so interesting! They listen to the stories of the victims and set them on their path for a new life. They look through their files and get the started with all of their necessities and anything else the case manager feels is necessary for them to have like self-care classes or workshops on how to get a job. I was talking to Marina about it and she says staff is the strictest on case manager volunteers because they actually get their own clients. And eventually can make their way up to a career because it is a paid position if you’re good at it. She also said they usually give these volunteer case managing positions to interns but if there is a good, reliable volunteer who is recognized by staff then they have a good chance of getting the gig. Marina said it probably wouldn’t be hard for me to get into there because everyone knows me around the outreach center! I can’t wait to take the class, I will then be certified as Recognized Volunteer. 

Some of the Stuff I Did at Mentorship

Because I am not 18, I couldn’t take the 40 hour training class that allows me to come into contact with the clients of House of Ruth. But what I did get to do, was a whole bunch of other stuff. Like I have been posting I was able to go to tons of events (not community fairs though) where I helped fundraise and raise awareness. I also did behind the scenes work. I literally printed thousands and thousands of packets to hand out at the community fairs that were almost every week. I also would help set up for events/fundraisers, I would prepare food if there was going to be a dinner held. I glued on phrases to candy pieces to give to kids about bullying and violence. I also would research information for some of the projects Marina would do with other high schools. For example, at Montclair high school a group of teen girls made PSA about different topic such as bullying teen pregnancy and domestic violence. I did not help them with the videos but I did search online for days looking for film festivals and competitions they could submit their videos too. I had to look for entry fees, deadlines and requirements and make them into a chart.
            Some of this stuff did get tedious and boring (making copies) but in the end I know all my hard work pays off for the greater good!

Movable Feast

During the holidays House of Ruth held another fundraiser called Movable Feast. A bunch of rich people would move from a bunch of huge rich houses to the next one and eat part of their meal. The first house (the house I was waitressing at) was owned by the President of Pitzer College. It was a really huge old fashioned house right in the middle of the 5 Claremont colleges. I was in the kitchen working with the catering service to prepare food and then I would take it out on trays and serve it to the rich people who were talking about business and buying art. I also walked around taking picture of the event and the skit that was performed.
            I was actually really intimidated to be a part of this event because my mentor was not going to be there and I knew no one, plus it was all adults and older people. But I did end up making new friends and got to try (and take home) a bunch of delicious food!


Tip-a-Cop was a fundraiser for House of Ruth; the organization and the clients.  Police officers from Claremont came (in uniform) to a restaurant called Casa De Salsa and were the waiters for each table for the guest who came to support. House of Ruth and police officers don’t really get along because many police officers are actually abusers themselves. Also, previous times this event had been done, officers wouldn’t show up, or they would be rude! So working with them was a big step for both the officers and staff at House of Ruth!
A few weeks before the event, my job was to go around passing out and putting up flyers for the fundraiser all over Pomona, Chino and Claremont. And at the event I stood at the door and passed out smaller flyers saying that 15% of the guest’s meal will go to House of Ruth. I made a new friend Zach here, he was really cool and told me all this odd psychology stuff about my personality. I have also now seen him at other events. Here are some pictures!

8th Annual Candlelight Vigil

House of Ruth had its 8th Annual Candlelight Vigil. This is an event held out the House of Ruth outreach center (where I volunteer) and it is to remember the men, women and children who were killed due to their domestic violence situation. Since I am not allowed client contact because of my age, this was the closest I was able to get to hearing stories of victims and survivors. There were many clients here with their children, staff from House of Ruth and even the mayor of Pomona came to speak. One young lady told her story of how she realized she was in an abusive relationship and how she found help at the House of Ruth shelter/hotline. It was really heart-breaking to hear her story, it really made everything I had been learning about so much more real. So after a dance number, a story from a victim and a speech from the mayor, candles were handed to everyone, and after they were lit, names of people who had died because of domestic violence were called off and they were remembered. It was a really touching event, I am very glad I went and thankful for House of Ruth for helping these victims before their situation becomes even worse like the ones who we lost. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Blog 23: 2014 Interview (additional)

1. Who did you interview and what house are they in?
Elizabeth Ville East House

2. What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
Registered Nurse, she wants to use this as a start to her career and so she can start applying to colleges based on this choice.

3. What do you plan to do for your summer 10 hour mentorship experience?
 She is thinking of applying to a hospital.  I told her she should start looking into that soon because sometimes at hospitals they have deadlines for volunteers.

4. What do you hope to see or expect to see in watching the 2013 2-hour presentations?
 Elizabeth is hoping to see information on different types of careers and even possible new senior project choices that she could look into.

5. What questions do you have that I can answer about senior year or senior project
 She asked me if it was possible to switch topics if she did not like RN anymore after doing her 10 hours. I told her it was possible and I think she has until October to choose her final project topic. She then asked if the teachers give her time to find a mentor so she could get hours if she did switch topics and I explained to her that the 10 hours over summer was required just so that she actually starts somewhere and has something to go off of, but she can switch and do her 50 hours somewhere else if she decides to change her topic. I asked her if she had any other topics in mind and she said cosmetology (hair dressing) and she had said she gotten into Ana B. presentation and I said that was good and she can see if she likes it, I also told her how Ana does her hours at a salon and actually gets to cut hair.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog 25:Mentorship


Marina Wood (909) 623-4364


The most important thing I gained for my mentorship experience would be community involvement. While volunteering at House of Ruth I have had many opportunities to be a part of fundraisers and events where I was able to raise money for House of Ruth and also meet new people around the community.
 A few events I have attended/been a part of would be Candlelight Vigil, an event to honor those killed due to domestic violence. Here I was able to meet some clients/staff who had their own stories to tell and also the mayor of Pomona and a Pomona police officer. Another event around the holidays was the moveable feast. I served appetizers here, and it was a fundraiser where people held a feast at different houses and bought different items being displayed. There was also a skit of woman suffering from an abusive relationship. I also posted signs all around Pomona, Chino, and Claremont to promote another fundraiser: Tip-a-Cop. I helped here also, just check I guests. Here, cops from the Claremont police department came and waited table at Casa Del Salsa in Claremont, guests would tip the cops and all of the proceeds would go to House of Ruth to help their clients. And finally, my mentor Marina is the prevent coordinator at House of Ruth, one of her jobs is to go to local schools and give presentations on teen dating violence. I was lucky enough to have her come to iPoly, I even got the chance to co-present the entire presentation with her.
            All of these events (and more) have really helped me be a part of the community. I now know of more organizations and events going on, while meeting new connections while helping out around town. I am really thankful for getting all of these opportunities, I feel well connected and proud of myself for becoming so dedicated and really helping a great cause.

Doing my mentorship at House of Ruth has helped me answer my EQ by giving me good contacts to interview and having an amazing mentor who provided me with so many answers and so much information.
            Whenever I had a new interview all I had to do was ask Marina who I could talk to and she always had someone ready for me. I interviewed Marina for my first 2 interviews and she helped me come up with a solid EQ, and for my third interview she referred me to Sonia Ontivaros who gave me more information about my second and third answers.
            Also, when I first started volunteering there Marina gave me tons of books and papers from the training manuals filled with different foundational information on domestic violence. And ANYTIME I had questions for her, she always had an answer. Even if I just wanted to discuss something I had read, she was always ready to listen and give me her input. Whenever I was conflicted when choosing my three answers she would help me with picking the best ones. She would even give me resources when finding data for my science data report. Marina had helped me a lot. Especially with answering my EQ because she provided me with so much information and resources.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What I've Been Doing at Mentorship!

Last week I redecorated the bulletin board so that it was updated to May, which is Asian Pacific Heritage Month.

Marina also gave me a project to work on at home which is basically gluing little anti-violence and anti-bullying phrases onto little candies. These are passed out at schools when prevention assemblies are held and also at community fairs 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Exit Interview Questions

1. My Essential Question is: What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship? Knowing the Warning Signs of an abusive relationship is my best answer. Having good communication and setting healthy boundaries are also essential in reducing your risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship but they are more like ways to stop the warning signs before they start. If you know the signs then you know exactly what to expect from someone who may be abusive and what traits to look out for.Setting healthy boundaries and having good communication will help you prevent the abusive signs, but to really reduce your risk, knowing the signs would be the best tool, because as soon as you start to see something that doesn't look right, you can leave the relationship before an further damage is caused.

2. To arrive at these answers I went through a lot of searching. In the beginning I was trying to find ways to prevent abuse, that was really hard because the research was just stuff I could do through the community, not actual possible answers. Then one day my mentor, Marina told me that abuse can not really be prevented, because we can't ever stop it completely, but you can reduce the risk for yourself. So I began looking at the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. I noticed that healthy relationships had resepect and equal partnerships. To get those things, you have to have good communication. And to maintain them, yu can set boundaries so you both know what is and is not acceptable. How I can to my best answer was basically through all of my research. While researching just the foundation of domestic violence I noticed that they all talked about one person having power and control and the abuser is controlling. I began researchig more into that and found all of the warning signs. And lastly, in my fourth interview, where I interviewed a former abuse victim, I felt as if all of my answers were confirmed.

3. I think the biggest problem that I faced was not being 18 and volunteering at House of Ruth. When you are 18+ you can take a 40 hour training class and becone certified as a volunteer and work in the shelter, case managing, prevention, hotline, TRO clinics other areas of the organization. Being able to do that would have really helped me understand emotionally what a victim has to go through and I could have gotten more imput first hand instead of believing what a researcher has written down. Although I could not train  was able to work with Marina in her office. I put together the training manuals so I basically saw and read over most of what is taught. She also answered any questions I had, and I was able to speak to other case managers and staff at House of Ruth and get their opinions on things.
Another problem I faced was gathering data for my science project. At first I called almost every Batterers Treatment Program in the Los Angeles County. I had no luck with that, I only got a FEW general percentages and it took up a lot of my time. When I showed Pittman what I had (2-3 days before the data was due) she said it needed to be waaay more specific and I had to find an expeirment that was already done online. So I searched online and finally found one that was perfect. It had all of the questions I needed answers with sample sizes and exact percentages. I ended up getting a P on that component so everything worked out well.

4. My two most important sources would have to be my fourth interview because I got to hear what it is really like to be in an abusive situation from an actual victim. My answers were also verfieid through that interview. My second most important source was my independent component 2. It was online class on healthy relationships. It also confirmed 2 of my answers (good communication and setting healthy boundaries) and gave me new information that I can use in my 2 hour to use as evidence on why I chose those answers.

5. My product would be being more invovled in the community, while being well educated on domestic violence. I am a weekly volunteer at the House of Ruth and because of this I am able to be involved in community events and I have made relationships with staff and other volunteers so I am well connected to different areas and events to raise awareness of domestice violence. Next month I will also be able to take my 40 hour training class, so I will be certified! Being educated is very essential personally so I can now tell the difference between an healthy vs. abusive relationship. I can also educate others and possibly even help a victim build up enough courage and strength to leave her relationship and get help with House of Ruth services.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog 23: 2014 Interview

1. I interviewed Michelle Ortega. She is in North House!

2. Michelle said for her senior project she would like to do Neonatal Nursing, which is a nusre for premature babies. She said she was interested in doing this because she has always loved babies and she belives that working with them would be a great opportunity and experience.

3. For her 10 hour summer mentorship hours, she plans on working at a hospital so she can really see how the nursing is done. I told her she should start looking into that soon because I know for volunteering at hospitals sometimes there is an application process and certain times they take volunteers to train them. She said she did not know that so she will start to look into it, and if all else fails, her mom has a friend who works in a hospital.

4. In the 2013 2 hour presentations, Michelle hopes to see well prepared and organized presentations.

5. When I asked her if she had any questions about senior year or senior project that I could answer, she asked what I thought the hardest compoent was out of the whole senior project. I couldn't think of one that was hard so I told her that none are hard, especially because the senior team explains everything very thoroughly and gives us alot of time to complete it. She then asked if senior year was as hard as everyone makes it seem and I tod her it really isn't, as long as you don't procrastinate because the components are time consuming.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mentorship Update!

Last Thursday April 18, there was a volunteer appreciation tea party at House of Ruth. I had been helping cook for it and even showed up a few hours before the event started to help set up. It was really fun, we ate, took pictures, played games and even got awards. I was extremely surprised when my name was called to go up and recieve an award because not everyone got one.

Independent Component 2

a.) I, Taryn Cronkite, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b.) This is the website that I used to take my online class which was : Healthy Relationships 101. The reason I chose to take this class was because my second and third answers are based upon what is needed to maintain a healthy relationship and prevent yourself from abuse so this was perfect and gave me alot of good information that I can use in my 2 hour and to help me expand my research.
c.)  30 hour log
d.) I completed a 12 Lesson online course on Healthy Relationships. With each lesson I was asked to read the lesson, take a look at the links at the bottom of each lesson, write an essay, usually answering about 5 questions in detail about what I had just read and then take a test after each lesson.

 Each lesson was fairly long, so that took me a while to read. Then I would write an assignment, which looked like this.
Then I would take a test after I read and finsihed my assignment. I can not provide a picture for the tests because I have already taken them, but they would be true/false questions that had to do with the lesson. Sometimes they would twist the words around so it was hard to understand what it was asking.

This is what my report card looks like. It tells me the Lesson title, and gives me the points I recieved. 

And finally, the grade I recieved in my course!! Well I am still waiting for a few more assignment to be graded, but this is the grade I currently have. Once all my assignment are graded I will post the final grade!

I am actually really glad I took this class. It really helped me with my second and third answer which are Setting Healthy Boundaries and Good Communication. In one of the lessons it talked about how we have a belieef system, which we discover at a young age and it is basically our views based upon what we have grown up with. It talked about how some men feel superior to women because their father believed that, or how some women have a habit of dating men who are disrespectful to them because the girls have low self esteem. Another lesson talked about a communication theory called transactional analysis , this was very interesting and I would like to research more on it because it is definately something I can use to help support my third answer in my 2 hour. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLR's

1. The ESLR I have excelled at the most would be the  Effective Learner. 
2. I believe I have excelled at this ESLR because I take it upon myself to learn more about my senior project and try to go more in depth with it. I take interest in new research and go above and beyond to try and find explanations or answers to my questions. I am always working with my mentor and trying to find ways to educate people on Domestic Violence or get better understanding of my answers. I even try to think of new ways to promote or help people, like with the presentation on Teen Dating Violence I co-presented with my mentor, or the idea of me maybe setting up a blog or place at school where I can answer questions of people having issues. 

This is a picture of me presenting to the freshman and sophomore class on Teen Dating Violence Awareness. I thought of this idea to present, with my mentor, to show a better understanding of my senior topic. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18: 2 Hour Meeting Answer 3

1.     What is the best awareness tool that can be use to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2.     One of the best awareness tools that can reduce you risk of being abused is to set healthy boundaries with your partner.
3.      “Healthy boundaries means knowing and understanding what your limits are.” This summarizes what healthy boundaries doin a relationship and why they are important. “ When you set healthy boundaries, you are naming your limits.” Right from the beginning of the relationship you are able to tell your partner what is and is not okay. You know how far you want to go and what you are ready for. “When you have healthy boundaries, you make self-care a priority” This means that you put yourself and you feeling first. You are aware of your emotions and can set time aside for yourself
4.     10 Ways to Build and Preserve Better Boundaries by Margarita Tartakovsky
5.     I hope to talk to case managers and psychologists at House of Ruth to get their insight on what healthy boundaries can do in a relationship and how not having them can lead to abuse. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2. How does communication play a role in an unhealthy, abusive relationship?
3. Why don't victims say "no" or stick up for themselves in the beginning stages of abuse?
4. If my first answer to my EQ was 'knowing warning signs' and my potential second answer is 'communication' what would another risk reducing factor be?
5. How can the cycle of violence be broken before entering a relationship?
6. In what ways can a victim or potential victim help their partner with getting help before abuse starts?
7. What is the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship?
8. What is one thing a healthy relationship has that an abusive one doesn't?
9. Besides any sort of abuse, what is one thing an unhealthy relationship has that a healthy one doesn't have?
10. What are the dangers of confronting your partner about their abusive behavior?
11. How can we make people realize how big of an issue domestic violence is within our communities?
12. How can we get girls/ (guys) to understand this is not okay?
13. How does someones insecurity affect the chance of them being abused?
14. How can self esteem in victims be raised?
15. How can talking about past relationships with your new partner help to try and prevent past issues?
16. If someone told their new partner they used to be abusive but have received help, should the partner stay and give them a chance or leave right away?
17. What are some healthy boundaries a couple could set when getting into a relationship?
18. If you do stay with someone who used to be an abuser but has gotten help, what is a sign that they are going back to their old ways?
19. What are some mental emotions you see with victims in abusive relationships?
20. Why is domestic violence so underrated?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blog 16: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #2

1.     What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2.     The second answer to my essential question is having good communication.
3.     Good communication can help in preventing the different types of abuse because when a couple has good communication they can tell each other when something is bothering one another and try to figure out a way to fix it. With good communication, both partners feel equal because they can express themselves for who they are and how they feel without the other being angry, or one person feeling superior. Also, with good communication, a couple feels comfortable with telling each other what they feel comfortable with or things they are not okay with doing. Talking positively about issues can help prevent fights from escalating, which in abusive relationships, lead to danger.
4.     Wiley, Angela. "Connecting as a Couple: Communication Skills for Healthy Relationships." NCSU. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 2007. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. <
5.     I plan to continue my study for answer 2 by doing more research on communication and healthy couples. I think this is a good answer because a lot of characteristics abusers have, have to do with power and control and by having good communication, each partner in the relationship feels equal and each partners feelings matter. No one is more important. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Independent Component 2 Approval

1.       Write a description of what you plan on doing for you independent study component.
I am going to continue my service learning and do an extra 30 hours for just the independent component. I will need a lot of good information about risk reducing and prevention when figuring out what my next answers to my EQ will be. My mentor is perfect for this because her position at House of Ruth is prevention coordinator. 

2.       Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
Well since I am just continuing my service learning, I will be doing the same thing I do now. Making copies, filing, being involved in events and fundraisers put together by House of Ruth  and helping my mentor with anything else she needs. I will meet the 30 hours by going to her office more times in a week and staying for longer so I can get the component finished.

3.       How does your independent study component relate to your working eq?
My mentor always gives me plenty of information and answers any questions I have about my senior topic so since I will be working with her a lot for these hours she can help me with answering my eq and giving me more ideas on what my second answer could be. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Independent Component 1

Literal :
a.) “I,Taryn Cronkite, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
b.) This was an 11 Lesson classes with different lessons regarding Domestic Abuse.
d.) I completed more than 30 hours of this online class. There were 11 Lessons and after each lesson, it was required of me to write an essay on whatever prompt was given to me discussing that topic, and an exam after each lesson with the essay before I was able to move onto the next lesson. At the end of all the lessons, I was given a final exam with questions from each lesson. 

I met the 30 hour requirement because each lesson was pretty long. I had to read that and them study before each exam. The exams took a while to complete because there were a number of questions and each essay I wrote had usually about three questions I had to answer. I had to give information I learned in the lesson and also personal opinions.

  This is what my report card for class looked like. If I click the "plus" signs it would break down my grade into what I received on the essay and the final quiz. My total grade was a 95.3% although I am still waiting for one last thing to be graded, which is I think my Lesson 11 essay.

This is what an assignment for an essay would look like. After each lesson I would get a prompt and have to type it out and submit it.
  I also tried to get a picture of one of the quizzes but because I have already completed them, it wouldn't let me go back.

This helped with the foundation of my topic because all of the lessons were really all on foundation of domestic violence, like what it is, how to stop it and what can be done to help survivors of abuse. The last couple lesson I started to read about helped me because now I sort of know what to look for in a second answer. Because my EQ has to do with reducing the risk of being abused, I am always trying to look for answers with whatever piece of research I come across. But in Lesson 10 it talked a lot about counseling and how that can help as a prevention strategy but I strongly disagree with that. That did bring up good ideas for me, like what I can look into now instead of prevention after the fact of abuse already occurring. In Lesson 11 I really liked their idea of starting the prevention with the kids and teaching them how violence is NEVER okay. Those helped me a lot for figuring out more answers but the beginning chapters, explaining what abuse is, what signs are,who gets abuse, and legal issues are all  pieces of foundation and helped me get a better understanding of the issue in better detail. Especially legal issues of domestic violence because there are laws in place that I did not know about and I can research more on.

Updated Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
I will be taking an online class called Domestic Violence 101. This will help me build a foundation for my project and get a better understanding of different topics the lessons in the class will be going over.

2. Describe in detail, how you think your plan will meet the 30 hour work requirement.
Taking this class will meet the 30 hours requirement because I will have to read and study each lesson. After a lesson, I will have to write an essay and take an exam, then a final exam which I will have to study the lessons again for.

3. How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?
Taking this class will help me get answers for my EQ because it covers different lessons and within each lesson it talks about warning signs, prevention strategies or how to ultimately get out of or stay in an abusive relationship. Learning about these things will help me get more information and give me good examples.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

1. What is the best awareness tool that can be used to reduce the risk of being abused in an intimate partner relationship?
2. How can domestic abuse be prevented?
3. How can you establish healthy boundaries in a relationship?
4. What does a healthy relationship look like compared to an abusive one?
5. What are some warning signs of an abusive relationship that are not obvious?
6. Does insecurity of the abuser and/or partner play a large role within an unhealthy relationship?
7. If you have been dating someone and after a few months confessed they had been abusive in a previous relationship but have gotten help, what are tips to maintain a good, abuse free relationship with that person?
8. What warning signs are most important too look out for?
9. How many signs should be noticed before getting out of a relationship with someone?
10. How often do people with extremely controlling attitudes change their ways in the early stages of a relationship if confronted about it?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 11:Mentorship 10 Hours Check

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
House of Ruth

2. Who is your contact?
Marina Wood

3. How many totals hours have you done?
32 hours and 45 minutes.

4. All of my hours done have either been me working on training manuals (which I do A LOT, but they are almost finished!) helping out at certain fundraisers and events ( I am not allowed to go to most of them because I am not 18 yet) and making copies of different informative papers.